Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

An Amateur Spirit

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: July 12, 2015  |  10:00am

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Deep Breath

Dave Boyd, or “Davo,” understands the power of the Word. Dave was the husband of the site coordinator from our West Virginia Mission Trip, Stephanie.

For many years, Davo served in community development and short-term mission work in his home town of Wheelwright, Kentucky. Like most communities in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia, places like Wheelwright and Flemington struggle because the mining industry dried up. In our afternoon visits together, it became clear to me: Davo has a vision—more importantly, Davo knows the power of a Word.

A few years ago, working with World Vision domestically, Dave had the chance to meet, of all people, the former manager of the Seattle Mariners, “Sweet” Lou Pinella.  And over the course of that conversation, Dave had a chance to tell him about what Jesus was doing in Wheelwright and what he saw needing to be overcome to combat extreme poverty.

Well, fast forward a few years and Dave gets a call from Lou saying that he and a multi-million dollar donor are looking for a community to invest in and he remembered Dave’s vision for providing skills-based education to unemployed coal miners in Eastern Kentucky by transforming an abandoned high school into a trade school. The three met last week in Wheelwright.

Words have transformative power. A well-placed word, one inspired by the Spirit, accompanied by an act of kindness can lead a person to the Savior and change a person’s life.

This morning, we are going to look at a story from Scripture in which the Holy Spirit’s powerful and mysterious work leads an unlikely person into the presence of Jesus where he finds healing and grace…for another.

Download the entire transcript here: Matthew 8 An Amateur Spirit

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