Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Moses: Life on Purpose

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: October 12, 2014  |  10:00am

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom

If life were a game, how would you know if you were winning or losing? If at every moment you were surrounded by other people, if it was you against them, how would you know if you are winning or losing? Wherever it is you compare yourself to others, what would a winning life look like for you?

Whether we consciously realize it or not, we in our decision making process and what we give our time to is aimed at living a life that matters. Life with a purpose, life that’s worth it. Has anyone in here ever had that thought go through your mind: is what I’m giving myself to at this moment worth it? Having a moment like that right now?

I want to invite us this morning to consider that question together for one very important reason: and that is without intention, without purpose, we will waste our lives. But when we pay attention to what’s going on, we stand in a position to see great possibility. Because in that moment, we are aware of our lives as a part of something so much more than ourselves.

This fall, we are in a series of messages on the subject of faith. We’re looking at the lives of ordinary men and women who have takes great steps of trust and how this involves each of them taking a step out in faith.

This morning, we are going to be looking at a man named Moses. Probably all of you have at least heard of Moses; he’s one of the most recognized men in all the Bible. Moses is a person who takes a leap of faith, and because of it, his life takes on new meaning and purpose. And if there is only one thing I want you to get out of this message, it’s this: living a life of faith means living a life that matters, because it is about something bigger than yourself.

Download the entire transcript here: Exodus 3 Moses Life on Purpose

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