Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Wake Up

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: December 1, 2013  |  10:00am

The 1999 movie The Matrix begins in what appears to be a relatively normal city, with relatively normal people, on a relatively normal day. Soon you meet the main character, a man named Mr. Anderson, who goes to work in his very normal corporate job and sits in his very normal cubicle. But even in the first few moments you notice that there is something that is just not quite right about the world in which Mr. Anderson lives. Everything is just a little dull in its appearance, as if it’s all not quite real. And what you come to learn is that what is seen is actually an image created to give the illusion that people were living a normal life.

The initial turning point of the film takes place when Mr. Anderson is asked if he would like to know and see what is actually real. Do we want to know and see what is truly real, too? Then perhaps the time is come for us to wake up.

 Download the entire transcript: Romans 13 11-14 Wake Up

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