Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Jesus is Greater Than Moses

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: February 28, 2016  |  10:00am


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Jesus is Greater Than, Therefore

Who in your life is someone that you looked up to? Is there a specific person who was formative to you during one period or another? In the architectural make up of your life, who helps frame your story?

If you look up at the ceiling of this room, you can see exposed support joists that frame our sanctuary. These have structural significance, but you can also think of them as having metaphorical significance; each one represents a person or event that gives this church its strength.

I want to tell you about someone who was a support joist in my formation as a follower of Jesus. I had just begun the 9th grade, and my church’s youth group had a tradition where the upper class guys and girls would show up at the homes of freshmen and stole us away to our first senior high youth group. It was exciting, it helped diffuse the anxiety of being the new kids in the group, it gave us a sense of place. It was also a little scary having the big kids show up unannounced (our parents were in on it).

Now the guy who showed up at my front door was a guy by the name of Mike. Mike was, let’s say, the Alpha male of the group—in the best sense of the term. Mike was the running back for a local football powerhouse, Mike was a natural leader, Mike had the charisma of 100 men, he could leap over high buildings in a single bound. When Mike walked in the room, the energy level rose; his presence had a way of lifting everyone’s spirits. Mike, in many respects, was the barometer of the group.

Here was a guy who had a way of instilling courage in those around him, to consider seriously the role of Jesus in their life.

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