Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


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For Family Members/Other Adults

PlayingforKeeps_withbackgroundIf you interact with kids or teenagers in any way—grandchildren, nephews/nieces, kids at church, students at school—then this study is for you! It revolves around the book Playing for Keeps/Losing Your Marbles, by Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy.

“After 25 years of working in Family Ministry, we’ve learned there are some things adults just can’t do for kids. You can’t force a toddler to love broccoli. You can’t make a teenager ‘not date him.’ And you can’t make a kid love God. Can you? At some point it just starts to break down.

That’s why we wrote Playing for Keeps. It’s a book for parents and leaders (and anyone else who influences the lives of kids and teenagers) about six things you can give a kid over time that will make a significant impact. These six things can help give a kid the kind of history that will show them why they matter to God.

But Playing for Keeps is really two books in one. On the flipside is a short story called Losing Your Marbles that makes these six ideas come to life.

Playing for Keeps / Losing your Marbles is a book for anybody who interacts with a kid or teenager every week—from a parent to a coach to Small Group Leader. Anybody. Playing for Keeps explores six things every kid needs over time, and provides 18 practical ideas for anybody who wants to make what really matters matter more.”

Create your own study. You can do the study on your own or invite some friends or family members to join you. Meet once a week, once every other week, or once a month—whatever works for you and your schedule!

You can order the book here or through Amazon. If you order through AmazonSmile and select us as your organization, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to WPC. It’s a win-win!

Learn More

Watch the 2-minute trailer for Playing for Keeps:


Weekly Guide

Read some blog posts from the Publisher to guide your thoughts and discussion:

Video Resources

Here are some videos that can help you learn more about playing for keeps.

“Losing Your Marbles” Sermon Series from LIFEchurch
Each video is 35-40 minutes long.

Interview with Mark Batterson
This video is 10 minutes long.

Other Resources

  • It Takes a Church to Raise a Child, from Ligonier Ministries
    “Parenting is not something a person can do alone.” Discover practical ways how you can come alongside the children and parents of WPC!
  • The Church Sticking Together, from Sticky Faith, Youth Ministry Edition
    “Many youth ministries say they want to have…a 1:5 ratio of adults to kid for their small groups. But what if we reversed that? What if we said we want a 5:1 adult-to-kid ratio in our youth ministries?”


Put what you’re learning into practice with some of these practical experiences:

  • Say hi to the kids after church. Ask about their day, their pets, their favorite food. Complement their clothes or hair. Just a few seconds can make a world of difference!
  • Adopt a child from church (with permission from their parents, of course!) and send encouragement notes in the mail, take them out for a treat, etc.
  • Volunteer in the nursery or children’s ministry. If you can hold a baby, play a game, or walk the kids over to the Christian Ed building, you would be a fantastic volunteer for our kids.
  • Invest in a parent/couple. Parents need to know the church is there for them. Find a way to encourage, support, or come alongside a parent or two in our congregation.
  • Mentor a student through our Kids Hope program with OJ Neighbours next year. Applications are available in the church office and training is in July!