Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Acts: Word and Spirit

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: June 8, 2014  |  10:30am

Last week, if you were in worship, we talked about how one of the things Jesus does profoundly well in our lives is ask the right question at the right time. And how Jesus often walks into our lives unannounced – even uninvited – and asks a question like: do you want to be well?

Jesus, the Word of God, interrupts our lives with a Word. But have you ever stopped to think about why the people who encountered Jesus seemed to be ready for that moment of decision, why is it that simple questions like “do you want to be well?” or “who do you say that I am?” were almost always met with decisive answers? I mean, we get asked questions every single day, and some of them are even important questions, but rarely will we turn our lives around for “would you like fries with that?” Or “what do you think of this color?”

What makes Jesus’ encounters with you and me and with the people of the first century so life altering is that where the Word goes, the Spirit goes, as well. Jesus’ words, and his presence as the Word, changes lives because the Spirit – that powerful, consuming fire called the Holy Spirit – goes before it.

Download the entire transcript here: Acts Pentecost Sermon

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