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Ways to Donate 

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7


There are several opportunities for giving at Wabash Presbyterian Church. Most importantly, we must first give our hearts to Christ and commit to serving Christ in the church, within our community, and throughout the world.

Below are opportunities to provide support for designated needs within our church, our community and our world:

  • One Great Hour of Sharing (World Relief)

  • Peace & Global Witness Offering

  • Christmas Joy Offering

  • Christmas Jubilee

  • Sanctuary Flowers

By Mail

Donations can be mailed directly to the church at 123 W Hill Street, Wabash, IN 46992.

Make checks payable to Wabash Presbyterian Church.

In Person

Online Giving

Use our secure site to set up your own profile/account to set up recurring gifts (like pledges), or use for one-time gifts (like paying for Bible Study books, or Mission support). Direct transfer from a checking or savings account or use a credit card.

Bill Pay

Through your bank, set up automatic contributions from your bank account or credit card to be sent to the church directly. Set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift.

At our worship service, donations can be placed in the offertory plate, or visit our church office during office hours.

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