Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5



Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 14:13-23 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Have you ever thought, “God could never love anyone like me.” If so, why? What caused you to think that? Jesus [...]

Freedom from Self-Righteousness

Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                      ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 18:9-14 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): This parable highlights two characters: a Pharisee and a tax collector. What is your initial response [...]

Rich Toward God

Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                      ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 12:13-21 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Are you greedy? (Perhaps a better question would be, where are you greedy? Possessions? Money? Time? Friends?) [...]

Greatness from God’s Perspective

 Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: [Guest Speaker] Bible Passage: John 1:43-51 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Where do you see prejudice in your own life? What people groups or places do you look down on? Have you ever felt [...]

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 10:38-42 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Who are you most like–Mary or Martha? Why? Hospitality is a good thing, a spiritual gift, that Martha practiced by opening [...]

Open Hearted Discipleship

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 10:25-37 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): The story of the Good Samaritan is familiar to many of us. What comes to mind when you hear it referenced? [...]

Empty Handed Discipleship

Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                      ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Discipleship on the Road Bible Passage: Luke 10:1-12 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): This entire sermon series is about being “on the road” with Jesus. What do you think [...]

In Temples Made of Human Hearts

  Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                      ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Mind, Body, and Soul: The Life of David Bible Passage: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): What have you tried to build in your own life? [...]

Softening a Raging Heart

  Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                        ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Mind, Body, and Soul: The Life of David Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 25 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Think about a time when you “lost it.” What was [...]

You’ve Got a Friend

  Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                        ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Mind, Body, and Soul: The Life of David Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 17:55-18:3 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Who has been one of your closest friends? What comes [...]