Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


What Does It Mean to Love Jesus?

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Guest Speaker Bible Passage: John 21:15-19 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): What do you know about the story of Peter? What do you most relate with? What is your dream? What might God be calling [...]

The Healing Power of Radical Forgiveness

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Guest Speaker Bible Passage: Matthew 18:21-35 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): What are some of the hurts and grievances you carry around? What do you fear about being someone who is long-suffering? Amy discussed [...]

Drop by Drop

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Eye Opening Bible Passage: Mark 8:22-38 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): When do you tend to have selective hearing? Or perhaps, when have you mis-heard someone? What have been some of your blind spots [...]

Get into the Boat

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Eye Opening Bible Passage: Matthew 14:22-23 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Are you currently facing a challenge? If so, what is it? If not, describe a recent challenge. What do you think about the [...]

Put Out into the Deep

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Eye Opening Bible Passage: Luke 5:1-11 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Peter is an expert in fish. What are you an expert in? Is there a time when you’ve felt discouragement or disappointment in [...]

Seeing Clearly

Watch  |  Listen  |  Read                      ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: [None] Bible Passage: Matthew 3:13-17 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): When you introduce yourself to someone, what do you say? How do you describe yourself? In what have you [...]


Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Watch for Signs of Hope Bible Passage: Luke 2:8-14 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): The Christmas story is filled with ordinary individuals. Who do you relate with most? Has anything “ordinary” in your life [...]


Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Watch for Signs of Hope Bible Passage: Luke 1:57-79 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Zechariah and Elizabeth most likely prayed for a child for a very long time. What is something you have prayed [...]


Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Watch for Signs of Hope Bible Passage: Luke 1:39-56 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Have you ever celebrated Advent before? If so, what is your favorite part? If not, why? What kind of unexpected [...]

Bear with One Another in Love

Listen  |  Read            ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Sharing Hope in Jesus Bible Passage: Ephesians 4:1-3, Ephesians 4:31-32 Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own): Think about a difficult person in your life. How have you interacted with him/her? What has made that relationship [...]