Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Metaphors of Faith

Download sermon audio   No transcript available   ______________________________ SERMON NOTES: Our guest speaker, Dr. Mark Perry, is a radio advisor and associate professor of Communication at Indiana Wesleyan University. [No transcript is available for this sermon.]

Parable of Great Forgiveness

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Painting God: The Parables of Jesus One of the most succulent thoughts a person can dwell upon, perhaps you have a time or two, is the delicious possibility of exacting just the right revenge at just the right moment [...]

Parable of the Great Banquet

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Painting God: The Parables of Jesus O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? Or cry to you “violence!” and you will not save? Why do you make me see wrongdoing and look [...]

Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Painting God: The Parables of Jesus Welcome, especially to those of you who are visitors this morning. What we have been doing each week this fall is looking together at the stories that Jesus told, because with his words [...]

Parable of the Waiting Father

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Painting God: The Parables of Jesus Once again, good morning, friends. It is good to be with you in worship. This morning, I’m going to tell you a story. Then for the next six weeks or so, each time [...]

Between Egypt and Canaan

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ About 10 years ago, a woman named Ashley Smith faced a moment that would change the course of her life forever—in a pivotal moment, her response would be the difference between life and death, freedom and addiction, hope and desperation. You [...]

Armor for Battle

  Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Practicing Faith, Hope, and Love This week, we are concluding our journey through 1 Thessalonians. Throughout this journey, the red thread Paul weaves through his letter is that this community would be formed together in Faith, Love, and [...]

Hope in Grief

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Practicing Faith, Hope, and Love This morning, we continue in our study of 1 Thessalonians, a letter that Paul wrote to a group of people in Thessalonica. His aim for this letter was to help them grow together as [...]

God’s Will, Your Sanctification

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   *Please be aware that this week’s sermon covers a sensitive topic. ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Practicing Faith, Hope, and Love   Wondering why I am standing down here and not up there? This morning I am going to be speaking with you about [...]

A Living Parable

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Practicing Faith, Hope, and Love I want to welcome you once again this morning. If you have been with us for the last few weeks, we are walking together through a letter in the New Testament, written by a [...]