Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Power to Keep Going

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Trinity Today is the day of Pentecost. Happy Pentecost, or is it Merry Pentecost? What’s the proper greeting? This week, I was walking through the greeting card aisle at Kroger and I noticed there weren’t any Merry Pentecost cards. [...]


Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Trinity Coleson Whitehead is an African American writer from New York City who retells the classic fable of the Frog and the Scorpion. In it, the Scorpion asks the Frog to carry him across the river on his back, [...]

Hello, My Name Is… Immanuel

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Trinity He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were [...]

Covenantal Relationship

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Trinity This is the second Sunday in a series of messages in which we are studying the Trinity. In the Bible, we hear God describe himself using three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—equal in stature, proceeding from one [...]

Alleluia from A to Z

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Trinity This morning, I want to begin by sharing with you a few statistics that might make your head spin, facts about our natural world that have captivated history’s greatest minds, natural phenomena in which one’s only response is [...]

Getting More Than We Bargained For

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Easter to Pentecost Joey DiJulio of Seattle got more than he bargained for. You see, he received an email inviting him to the bachelor party for someone in Philadelphia. He looked at the cc line and there were 40 [...]

Making Sense of the Message

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Easter to Pentecost I want to begin by doing a little exercise with you. I’m going to put a verse up on the screen and I’d like for you to read it back to me. Ready? “The Lrod is [...]

He Has Triumphed Gloriously

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers Mike Anderson got a second chance at life. This Missouri man was convicted of armed robbery as a young man and was sentenced to 13 years in prison in St. Louis. And 13 years later, when it came [...]

A Trumpet to Send

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers We’ve been following the Israelites on their journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land, and we’ve come to the climactic point in the Exodus story. We’re at the foot of Mt. Sinai, the Mountain [...]

A Bread That Builds

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers To the best of his knowledge, all that Brooks Hadlan could recall was life behind bars. The limestone walls that surrounded him had become his home. So when he received his parole letter, Brooks Hadlan was disoriented by [...]