Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


A Lamb to Rescue

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers Phil Staples was a man who faced death each and every day. “I’m one cheeseburger away from a heart attack,” he said to a perfect stranger at a truck stop in Winslow, Arizona. Phil weighed nearly 450 lbs. [...]

A Staff to Invite

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers God offers us glimpses of his grand plan to keep his people moving along the journey of faith. This week, we are continuing in a series of messages this Lent through the book of Exodus, and we’re looking [...]

A Flame That Reveals

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers During this season of Lent, we are looking at the stories of the book of Exodus. In them we find that God has given us 6 markers to help us make sense of our lives. In Exodus, the [...]

Rivers of Ruin to Rivers of Redemption

Download sermon audio   Download sermon transcript   ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Markers By a show of hands, how many of you have ever hosted or attended a Christmas party? Now let me ask, how many of you have ever hosted or attended a Lenten party? Anyone ever get a “Merry [...]

Go to the Mountain

Download sermon audio     Download sermon transcript     ______________________________ SERMON SERIES: Turning Tables Have you ever had an experience in your life, one that was pivotal to you life’s course? Was it a good or bad? Maybe it was when you first laid eyes upon that man or [...]

United for the Cause of Christ

Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) No transcript available; however, you can view the PowerPoint presentation here: 3JohnGaiusDiotrephes  

A Nourished Soul

SERMON SERIES: Turning Tables Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) We’re now in the fourth week in a series in which we’re looking at the way in which walking with Jesus will in one way or [...]

Serving the Meal

SERMON SERIES: Turning Tables There is a phenomenon today that I think is sweeping through our culture. The culprit? YouTube. Some of you may be familiar with “The YouTube.” Some of you may have been sucked down what my family calls “the YouTube Wormhole.” If you have, then you know [...]

A Banquet of Sinners

SERMON SERIES: Turning Tables Jesus Christ came into this world to redefine what it means to be truly human. As I said last week, if we can imagine ourselves somehow transported to that place where the three members of the trinity reside, and there imagine how the conversation went: “What [...]

The Power of Jesus

Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) The most viral video ad in the history of the planet was released last year; maybe some of you saw it. It was an advertisement for soap, but it wasn’t [...]