Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Mary’s Song

SERMON SERIES: Singing Through Advent Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and [...]

Simeon’s Song

SERMON SERIES: Singing Through Advent Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and [...]

Zechariah’s Song

SERMON SERIES: Singing Through Advent Download the sermon audio HERE. (Simply right-click on the following page and select Save As to save it to your computer.) I can tell you my story now—in fact, you can hardly shut me up now, but it’s been a rocky road getting here. I’m not [...]

Prophet’s Song

SERMON SERIES: Singing Through Advent This morning, I want to begin this series of messages I’ve entitled Singing Through Advent by sharing a very special song. It is scientific fact: there is no better music throughout the year than that which is sung in celebrating Advent and Christmas. Christians love [...]

Abounding with Thanksgiving

SERMON SERIES: Rooted and Built Up I don’t know about you, but one of the most beloved Thanksgiving traditions in my family is the annual giving of thanks around the dinner table. It happens after we’ve piled on the turkey, stuffing, and sweet potato casserole. Each one takes his or [...]

Rooted and Built Up

SERMON SERIES: Rooted and Built Up In college or high school, did you ever have a particularly difficult class – maybe it was a math or science, or maybe a foreign language – and have that pre-exam anxiety before a really big test? In seminary, I was studying for a [...]

So Walk in Him

SERMON SERIES: Rooted and Built Up We are continuing our series on Stewardship by looking at what Paul describes as the pathway to abundant generosity. Colossians 2 begins with this practical and beautiful picture of how a person comes to understand the fullness of the generosity of Jesus, so that [...]

Received Jesus Christ

SERMON SERIES: Rooted and Built Up The Good News of Jesus Christ is only ever good news when it is received with open hands. What the Gospel proclaims to you and me is NOT that if we do just the right thing, we’ll get it. Just the opposite, in fact; [...]

Widow of Zarephath: The Eagles are Coming

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom If I were to tell you, right there, where you sit, with whatever you brought with you to church this morning, you were fully equipped to be God’s transformative agent for kingdom mission, would you believe me? If not, why not? I [...]

Jonah: What’s Your Cicely?

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom There are times in our lives when taking a leap of faith involves going somewhere you just don’t want to go. Even though you know it’s the right thing to do, you just don’t want to move. If this is you in [...]