Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Moses: Life on Purpose

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom If life were a game, how would you know if you were winning or losing? If at every moment you were surrounded by other people, if it was you against them, how would you know if you are winning or losing? Wherever [...]

Deborah: Soccer Style Leadership

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom In the case of Dunder Mifflin, it may or may not pay to actually know where you’re going. But that’s the exception, not the rule. According to a recent Amazon.com search, there are nearly 130,000 books available on the subject of leadership. [...]

Esther: Heroic Courage

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom Holy Spirit, we take these moments now to invite your presence to invade the recesses of our hearts, and the walls of this space. Day to day life sometimes demands more than we have to give, and moments of decisiveness call us [...]

Caleb: Giants and Grasshoppers

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom Keep moving forward, or stop and fall backward? This is the question that is placed before everyone who chooses to put his or her faith in God. Forward, active, dynamic, challenging… these are words that are often used to describe faith. But [...]

Therefore I Will Hope

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a precipice, looking down at a gently flowing river, cool, refreshing, and blue. Before you is a decision: to stay put, safely on the edge where I am in no immediate danger, where there is [...]

Abraham: No Map, Just Me, Now Go

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom [No audio available.] This morning, we are beginning a new series of messages on a subject that I believe is critical to this community at this very time in our life. This fall, we will look at the subject of faith, and [...]

Make It Clear

This is now the final message in our summer series in Colossians. And if you’re anything like me, when you finish a good book, you immediately go back and revisit the most memorable parts. So this morning as we conclude, I want to give you Paul’s Top Five take-aways for [...]

Streamlining (Run of the House)

We are continuing a series of messages this summer through the book of Colossians in which we are asking this question: what does a community that is being formed by Jesus look like? And today we come to the “who” question. Not the “who” question of who is the center; [...]

Instinct for the Center

As a child, growing up on Buckingham Drive, we lived in a neighborhood filled with young families. It was a dream setting for my brother and me. In fact, my mother says she chose the neighborhood because of the number of swing sets she counted in peoples’ backyards. Peter and [...]

The Beauty of Blistered Feet

This is now the third message in a series, in which we’re looking at Paul’s Colossian letter. What I hope we will see, even more than the evidence FOR Jesus, is the result of a life WITH Jesus and what it means for us as a community. Jesus IS molding [...]