Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Seeing the Center

We’re now in the second week in a series of messages entitled Becoming the Kind of Community Jesus Intends, where we’re studying Paul’s Letter to the Church at Colossae. In our first Sunday, what seems like an eternity ago, we read Paul’s opening prayer for this church, where he prayed [...]

Servants Start Building

Some men in a pickup truck drove into a lumberyard. One of the men walked in the office and said, “We need some four-by-twos.” The clerk said, “You mean two-by-fours, don’t you?” The man said, “I’ll go check,” and went back to the truck. He returned in a minute and [...]

Life Changing Prayer

There is a parable once told of the Duck Church. Each Sunday, a community of ducks waddled off to Duck Church to hear the duck preacher. The duck preacher spoke eloquently of how God had given the ducks wings with which to fly. With these wings, there was nowhere the [...]

Power of a Crucified Savior

If you would, bear with me for a moment while I conduct a small experiment. Now I’m no expert in time and space, but what Albert Einstein and others have told us is that time and space are not absolute, but are bending in relationship to one another. So I’ve [...]

Nothing by Accident

If you were to take a look back on your life story, would you see moments that you’d prefer to be left on the editing room floor? Not necessarily those foot-in-mouth moments; I’m talking about those experiences of adversity and struggle we all face. Or to put it in a [...]

Church 201: Practicing Faith, Love and Hope

We all need an atta-boy or an atta-girl from time to time. There is nothing like getting a handwritten letter of encouragement, right? Having someone take the time to sit down, think of you, and write something encouraging and then send it to you. Am I right? I have a [...]

Reconciled: The Gospel According to Paul

In our lives, sometimes the wounds we inflict upon ourselves and one another, the dreams we cling to, the silence and the noise we endure, the injustice and the hopes we hang on to are too powerful, too personal, too memorable for us to endure on our own. In these [...]

Acts: Word and Spirit

Last week, if you were in worship, we talked about how one of the things Jesus does profoundly well in our lives is ask the right question at the right time. And how Jesus often walks into our lives unannounced – even uninvited – and asks a question like: do [...]

Jesus: Fire and Mercy

There is perhaps nothing more transformative than a perfectly placed question. You can redirect the life of another, setting them on another trajectory, when you ask the right question. Likewise, our lives can be radically altered when we have the courage to respond to the life-changers when they come: Are [...]

Restored, Rebuilt, Renewed

This morning, you may have noticed we are doing things a little differently. Never fear, it is only for a week. But on this Memorial Day Weekend, where all around our nation we will celebrate with BBQs and parades, honoring the men and women who lead this nation in the [...]