Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Wake Up

The 1999 movie The Matrix begins in what appears to be a relatively normal city, with relatively normal people, on a relatively normal day. Soon you meet the main character, a man named Mr. Anderson, who goes to work in his very normal corporate job and sits in his very [...]

The Sneaker Effect

To live a life that is deeply and intimately rooted in God, there is a very important lesson to learn when it comes to money: it’s not about what God wants from us, but what God wants for us. The life God wants for us is one of open-handed generosity [...]

Nine Ungrateful Turkeys

As far as high school graduation speeches go, most are pretty uninteresting. For the most part, what you will hear is a smattering of encouraging clichés and platitudes about unlimited potential, the world is your oyster, shoot for the stars, O the places you’ll go. They sing about self esteem [...]

Father, Forgive Them

In the spring of 1865, with the final gasps of the Civil War at hand, President Abraham Lincoln stood in the mud and the rain of Washington DC to deliver his Second Inaugural Address. Apprehension mingled with hope as the President prepared. At this critical moment in our history, he [...]

Strength by Faith

This morning, we are celebrating our very first Kirkin O’ Th’ Tartan Service, and I’m glad that we’ve chosen the coldest weekend of the Fall thus far people to wear kilts in worship. There’s an old joke that says, “What does a Scot wear under his kilt? Shoes and socks.” [...]

The Prayer Jesus Taught

What keeps us grounded? What keeps us centered? What keeps us from getting physically and emotionally and spiritually lost in the shuffle? Prayer. Jesus said at the end of His sermon on the mount that it’s not just about what you know about God, but it is about putting what [...]

Prayers Answered: Part Two

In his final hours, Jesus begins to see the actual horror of death. Like a chasm in front of him, panic sets in. Something happened there that shocked the unshockable Son of God. So what does he do? Jesus prays. “Abba,” (the most gentle and intimate name for God in [...]

Prayers Answered: Part One

You want a family and you don’t have one, you may struggle with an illness that robs you of the peace in your life, you wrestle with an addiction, or something from your past that you just can’t conquer – ask God. God listens. Now, can I safely say that [...]

Deliverance by Prayer and Indigestion

Have you ever wondered if God delivers people from impossible situations? Let me ask you this, and please respond with a show of hands or a nod of the head, have you ever been delivered or rescued from a difficult circumstance? Proof, God delivers people. I invite you to grab [...]

Waiting for God in Silence and Prayer

Has anyone here ever experienced what is commonly known as awkward silence? [Pause] If you haven’t, you just did. Creators of programs like The Office use silence to create comedic moments, convey messages, create tension, and introduce us to the humanity of the character. And it seems that silence can [...]