Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5


Love Me Tender

Before I begin this morning, I just want to give you a brief heads up that the material I’m going to cover today leans a little bit on the racy side. Families with young children may want to take them downstairs, and for the rest of us, this is just [...]

The Saints, the Poets, and the Moms

Well, we are picking up where we left off before Lent in our series of messages called Inspired: How the Story of Scripture Shapes Our Everyday Life. The Bible is this grand narrative that speaks to us in these pages, offering us wisdom and hope. Not only is it God’s [...]

Lion’s Breath

John’s Gospel this morning tells us that when Jesus appeared to his disciples that first Easter morning, he breathed on them. And as the story begins, you might say that the disciples themselves are out of breath. When something disheartening happens in your family or among friends, what do we [...]

Resurrection Now!

Rick Elias got his life back to live all over again. This regular, everyday guy thought this was a day like any other. He was setting off on a business trip when all of a sudden there was a huge explosion, the cabin of the plane filled with smoke, the [...]

Palm Sunday

This morning as we entered into worshipping God together, we waved palm branches. People have done this for nearly 2000 years; we do it to commemorate the day when Jesus came into Jerusalem with his disciples. On that remarkable day, everyone around him was saying, “Hosanna, blessed is he who [...]

The Trial

In these last few weeks, we’ve methodically walked through the final hours of Jesus’ life. And one of the questions laid before us is, what and where will we place our trust? Who is this man Jesus? Not only historically, but cosmically, eternally. You know, we live in an era [...]


Straw poll before we begin: by a show of hands, how many of you came here this morning because among the things in your life that you need a little more of, foolishness is one of them? Is anyone here looking for a little less security in their life? What [...]


There are two trials that are happening simultaneously, one inside the home of the high priest. There, Jesus is being questioned and condemned by the leaders of the Jewish Council. But there is a very different trial taking place just outside their door in the courtyard. You see, in Jerusalem, [...]


This week, we begin a new series of sermons I’ve entitled, Jesus: The Man for All People. During the next five weeks of this season of Lent, we’ll be following the account of Jesus’ final hours leading up to the crucifixion through the Gospel of Luke. Each week, we will [...]

Moments & Movements

There are definitive moments in life when things become unmistakably real. Last week, we looked together at the story of Elijah who was discouraged, finding himself under a Broom Tree, being called by God to get up and go to Mt. Horeb. And it was there that God came to [...]