Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Jesus: Fire and Mercy

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: June 1, 2014  |  10:00am

There is perhaps nothing more transformative than a perfectly placed question. You can redirect the life of another, setting them on another trajectory, when you ask the right question. Likewise, our lives can be radically altered when we have the courage to respond to the life-changers when they come: Are you alright? Can I help you with that? Is there anything I can do?

So today, we’re going to tackle Matthew through John in roughly 23 minutes, how does that sound? As I was thinking about this impossible task this week, I found myself asking if there was something in Jesus’ life that encapsulates his ministry, and revealed himself uniquely as Savior to you and me. Perhaps better than anyone in history, Jesus knew how to ask the right question.

Do you want to be made well?

Who do the people say that I am?

What is it that you seek?

You see, our lives get piled up with distractions and side-issues. When someone is able to cut through all the stuff, and put it to us straight, our response is unavoidable. Jesus asks the question that we all need to hear. Do you want to be made well?

Distrust, shame, addiction, these are some of the things that act as fire retardants to the fire of the Gospel. When they gather around us, it becomes near impossible for that consuming passion for Christ, that unshakable hope in God, that attentiveness to the Spirit to flourish.

So into this world of fire retardants breaks the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we hear it in this morning’s story, one that takes place at a place called Bethesda—literally house of mercy, beth—house and hesed – mercy or grace. A man who has been sitting by the pool of shame and disgrace for 38 years, looking for mercy and grace, feeling trapped and helpless and hopeless that there is no fire that can break into his life. Into his life walks a stranger who simply asks a question. So simple, in fact, that you can almost hear the man laugh. “Do you want to be well?”

Download the entire transcript here: John 5 Jesus

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