Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Jesus is Greater Than Priests

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: March 6, 2016  |  10:00am


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Jesus is Greater Than, Therefore

We all have times in life when we just need a little help. Ringo said it pretty well when he said, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Never mind what he says next.

We’ve all faced that moment in our lives (and if we haven’t, we will) where things have gone colossally wrong. Maybe it was with our health, or a choice we made, or a business risk that went south, or it was thoughtless and ill-placed word that cut deeply. It’s moments like these that we need a little help, right?

If you hadn’t noticed, the world is a pretty chaotic and volatile place right now. And not just politically and socially. As a congregation, we are dedicated to sharing the hope of the Gospel with one another and with our community, whether things are smooth and easy, or when things are volatile and chaotic. And there are people in this community who know something about this right now.

We all need a little help in life, we all need someone who, when we’re weak, when we’re running on empty, has the strength to hold us up.

In the book of Exodus, the Israelites won one of their battles for as long as Moses’ arms were raised. But like any of us, Moses’ job, his task wore him out. So he needed a mediator, a priest, to intercede and help hold him up. Aaron the Priest and a man named Hur were these mediators.

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