Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

The Power of Peace Be With You

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: April 3, 2016  |  10:00am


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Bible Passage: John 20:19-23

Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own):

  1. Describe a moment when you felt truly at peace. Where were you? What was going on? Were you alone or with others? Etc.
  2. When you feel confused, turned around, discombobulated, or flipped upside down, what is your typical response? How do you cope?
  3. In what ways do you try to feel safe, in control, or at peace?
  4. Pastor Jonathan said, “When we lock ourselves away, we’re not keeping ourselves safe from the things that can hurt us, we’re just locking ourselves in those little rooms in our hearts—rooms called hurt, called despair, called resentment.” What rooms do you often find yourself in?
  5. Jesus gave us the ministry of forgiveness. What do you think about this? Is there anyone you need to forgive today?

Remember the Truth:

The Spirit allows your life to become so commingled with Christ’s life that as you draw closer and closer to your Savior, you will find that you are actively participating in Christ’s forgiveness as you choose to forgive.

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