Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

A Bread That Builds

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: March 22, 2015  |  10:00am

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To the best of his knowledge, all that Brooks Hadlan could recall was life behind bars. The limestone walls that surrounded him had become his home. So when he received his parole letter, Brooks Hadlan was disoriented by the new reality he faced. Upon his release, Brooks finds himself walking the streets in a state of confusion and disorientation. You see, objectively Brooks was free. He had an apartment, a job bagging groceries. He could go to the park and feed the birds whenever he wanted. But inside he was still imprisoned. This, of course, is from the beloved film The Shawshank Redemption, and the elderly character Brooks Hadlan was not ready to go through the difficult task of learning something new, living an unrestrained, unconfined, un-incarcerated life.

True freedom is not just a present circumstance; real freedom is the ability to live freely. And this is what the Israelites are invited to discover in this next stage, and it’s the fifth Marker in their journey from slavery in Egypt into the promise of God’s love: a bread to build.

So if you would, open up your Bibles to Exodus 16. There, we’ll be reading verses 1-5 and 9-12. And if you are able, would you please stand in honor of the reading of God’s Word?

Download the entire transcript here: Exodus 16 Bread to Build

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