Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Getting More Than We Bargained For

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: April 19, 2015  |  10:00am

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Easter to Pentecost

Joey DiJulio of Seattle got more than he bargained for. You see, he received an email inviting him to the bachelor party for someone in Philadelphia. He looked at the cc line and there were 40 or 50 other invitees; problem was, none of them looked familiar.

“I studied each address, racking my brain for a number of minutes, but couldn’t figure out who I knew or why I was invited,” he added. “Then, it dawned on me – I wasn’t invited! Except, I was. Just by mistake.”

As the days and weeks went on, Joey would find periodic updates in his inbox. Things like the schedule of festivities, hotel details, March Madness viewing get-togethers, a shuffleboard tournament, and card games. It actually sounded like a lot of fun.

“At first, I questioned if I should write back and be removed from any further emails. But seeing as how many of the replies were generally entertaining to read, I thought that, perhaps, I’d just remain a ‘fly on the wall’ for the time being.”

Then the day came where the organizer of the bachelor party asked for a firm head count, and Joey had to respond. So, on a whim, Joey decided to reply back to everyone with the following:

Hi All,

So, I have no idea who any of you guys are, but I have been enjoying hearing about the plans for this bachelor party over the last few months.

I’m assuming my E-Mail address was added to the list by mistake (perhaps a typo of someone else?). I live out in Seattle, WA and although for a moment I thought it might be funny to just show up and be that guy nobody knows but everyone wonders “who is that guy?”, buying a plane ticket for a cross-country flight just to crash a bachelor’s party might be a bit over the top (although it would be epic!). Nonetheless, I do hope you guys have a great time and I’d like to take a moment to wish the best of luck in life to the groom! Cheers! Joey

To his surprise, this is what Joey got in reply: “Hey guys, I say everyone forks up an extra $20 and we get Joey a plane ticket to Philly!”

And then came a reply from the groom: “Joe, I’m over-nighting you a wedding invite. You show up at the bachelor party and I’ll make you my best man. You can give the toast even! Jeff”

What kind of news is this? In what world does something so incredible, something so ludicrous, something so improbable actually happen? Can this news really be true? This is the kind of news you and I are invited to believe is actually true at Easter.

Download the entire transcript here: Acts 3 Getting more than we bargained for

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