Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

He Has Triumphed Gloriously

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: April 5, 2015  |  10:00am

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Mike Anderson got a second chance at life. This Missouri man was convicted of armed robbery as a young man and was sentenced to 13 years in prison in St. Louis. And 13 years later, when it came time to process him and release him from prison, his name came up. When they went to look for him in the system, they couldn’t find him. Turns out, there was a clerical error and Mike had never actually been summoned to show up for jail. He’d been told they would contact him, but as it turns out, they never called.

So what did Mike Anderson do? He kept on living. He didn’t run, he didn’t avoid the department of corrections; he just started correcting his life—fix what was broken. He got a job, became a master carpenter, got married, had a couple of kids, volunteered to coach soccer and football. He even became an usher in church.

Mike Anderson was a new man, but his new life was a terrifying and exhilarating thing. Thinking that it could all come crashing down at any minute, he was constantly looking over his shoulder, wondering if anyone was on to him. He was living on egg shells. He felt like he had something hanging over him every day for 13 years. Every time he’d get stopped for running a red light, or not stopping completely at a stop sign, and they’d run his information, he was terrified that this would be it, that he’d be found out. “I’m sorry Mr. Anderson…you’re going to need to fix that tail light.” Pfffew! Live to fight another day!

New life can be a terrifying AND exhilarating reality. This is what the women who went to the tomb that morning experienced. It was an earth shaking reality…and that takes some getting used to. How can this be? We saw him crucified on Friday. We saw him taken to the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea—there was no clerical error there. Our Lord was dead—and not just mostly dead, but dead dead.

Download the entire transcript here: Exodus 15 Matthew 28 He Has Triumphed Gloriously

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