Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Put Out into the Deep

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: January 15, 2017  |  10:00am

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Eye Opening

Bible Passage: Luke 5:1-11

Reflection Questions (use with your small group or on your own):

  1. Peter is an expert in fish. What are you an expert in?
  2. Is there a time when you’ve felt discouragement or disappointment in this area of expertise? What was going on?
  3. Think about Peter’s words: “But at your word, I will…” He was willing to do something–something that made no sense to him–simply because Jesus had said to. What does this kind of faith look like in your life? Do you think you’d be able to respond in obedience to something Jesus invites you to, even when it doesn’t make sense?
  4. Pastor Jonathan said that Jesus wants to “catch” you with a surprise. What kind of surprises, graces, unexpected gifts has He brought into your life?
  5. Is Jesus asking you to do something right now? To take a step of faith? To respond in radical obedience? Ask Him, and then spend some time in silence waiting on His answer.

Remember the Truth:

“Jesus is the source of living hope.” (Pastor Jonathan)

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