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- Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
- Date & Time: February 22, 2015 | 10:00am
By a show of hands, how many of you have ever hosted or attended a Christmas party? Now let me ask, how many of you have ever hosted or attended a Lenten party? Anyone ever get a “Merry Lent” card? That’s because it doesn’t happen. For the most part, society has said to the church, “You can have Lent.”
This is the first Sunday in a 40 day period we call Lent, which comes from the Old English word for “Lengthen.” These 40 days culminate with Easter Sunday. The purpose of Lent is to focus our lives on following Christ all the way to new life. Jesus embarked on a 40 day journey into the wilderness; the Israelites did, as well, only theirs was a little longer. But the purpose of both was to increase their trust and dependence upon the God who was leading them. So it is for us this Lent.
One of the important questions of this season for those who follow Christ is: “What are the visible markers that help you press forward on your journey of faith?” Is there an obstacle in front of you that might actually be an opportunity?
Download the entire transcript here: Exodus 1 22-2 10 River to Carry