Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Abraham: No Map, Just Me, Now Go

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: September 7, 2014  |  10:00am

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom

[No audio available.]

This morning, we are beginning a new series of messages on a subject that I believe is critical to this community at this very time in our life. This fall, we will look at the subject of faith, and the stories of God’s people that show us what faith looks like. For those of us who are already people who follow Jesus, we will be challenged to go deeper, to know God better, and trust God into new depths of life with him. And for those of us who are unsure or not yet believers, each week there will be a challenge to take some next steps. But all of us will be, in one way or another, challenged to grow together, and take a leap of faith—to hear God’s call and go where God leads.

In this series, we are going to look at how God speaks to ordinary people and invites them to do extraordinary things. People who hear God and trust God enough to take the next step, or to leap even though the outcome is unclear.

I think we know something about that. Not only do we have people in our community who have made great leaps in faith, all of you have taken steps in faith in learning new ways of worshipping God, in stepping forward into a new day for WPC. For those of you who have made this your home for many years, that is a challenging thing. For those of you who are new and who are looking at becoming more involved, you are also taking a leap of faith. You are coming to a church that has a history, a personality, but is moving into a new era in its existence—and we need your creativity, your energy, your skills in becoming the Church Christ envisions for a new day.

So each week, we are going to look at this theme of faith through the lens of ordinary people. We are going to look at stories of how God comes to regular people and invites them to extraordinary acts of trust. Stories where God gives them a clear next step, but steps 2, 3 are unclear, but because they have decided to trust God, they go.

Download the entire transcript here:  Genesis 12 1-5 No Map Just Me Now Go

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