Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Jeremy Wright

Kroger Community Rewards

The Kroger Community Rewards program is an ideal way to support Wabash Presbyterian Church. The program allocates funds to the church based on the purchases that you make at Kroger using your Kroger Plus card. Each individual should enroll their Kroger Plus Cards online at the Kroger secure website at [...]

Presbyterian Women’s Group Donations

The Presbyterian Women’s Group met on Sunday, November 13. The ladies made $2,339 from the Spaghetti Supper and $30 from the sale of cookbooks. The members voted to give $1,000 to the Montessori School, $1,000 to 85Hope, and $2,000 to the Capital Campaign.

YouTube Subscriber Count

In order for us to live stream directly from a phone while we are in the Fellowship Hall, we need 50 YouTube subscribers. Right now we have 40. If you are a Google/YouTube account holder you can help out by going to the link below. Pass this along and let’s [...]


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