Loving people with the heart of Christ in the heart of Wabash.

Philippians 2:3-5

Deborah: Soccer Style Leadership

  • Sermon Details
  • Pastor Name: Jonathan Cornell
  • Date & Time: October 5, 2014  |  10:00am

SERMON SERIES: Leap!: Taking Risks for God’s Kingdom

In the case of Dunder Mifflin, it may or may not pay to actually know where you’re going. But that’s the exception, not the rule.

According to a recent Amazon.com search, there are nearly 130,000 books available on the subject of leadership. 130,000!

The tale of leadership, no matter what the sphere, is a cautionary one. Long lines of innovative thinkers have experienced a failure to thrive because they haven’t known how to manage and lead effectively. Whether you’re in a business or a church or an exercise class at the YMCA, leadership – godly leadership – recognizes that the call to lead is a call to selflessness. Author Jim Collins says effective leaders always give the team highest priority, even over their own success and image.

Now in order to be a leader, you also have to have a team around you. I read a story this week about a high school student who was beginning to fill out college applications. Her heart sunk when she got to the short answer section. The question that was asked was “Are you a leader?” This was an honest and authentic student, so she wrote, “No, I’m really not,” and turned in the application—expecting the worst. Later she heard back from the University. Their response read like this: “Dear Applicant, a study of the applications reveals that this year our college will have 1452 leaders. We have chosen to admit you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”

This morning, we are going to look at one of the great leaders and prophets from the Bible, a woman named Deborah, who has the entire nation of Israel following her guidance.

Download the entire transcript here: Judges 4 Deborah

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